Several patients in Tijuana, BC are shocked when they look in the mirror after rhinoplasty surgery with Beauty Brokers. They may not recognize themselves with all the medical packing, dried blood, stitches, bruising, and swelling. A patient’s initial reaction may be panic or regret because it is difficult to visualize the final result.
But don’t panic. Bruising and other symptoms are normal aftereffects of having a facial plastic surgery such as rhinoplasty. It is also normal to feel a bit down.
Things to Keep in Mind After Rhinoplasty Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico.
Though most peers and family members are supportive, this is not always the case. Some patients report feelings of isolation due to the fact that their loved ones are unaccustomed to their new look and self-confidence. Your new look may even alienate some peers and colleagues at work.
Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, children may react negatively to your transformation if they do not understand it.
Other potentially negative consequences to consider include the impact of the stress that comes with deciding to undergo a nose job. The recovery process, bruising, and swelling can also take a toll. Importantly, depression following nose surgery is not uncommon. For this reason, it is imperative that you carefully assess your own readiness to undergo the procedure. Those suffering from anxiety, personality disorders, or depression prior to rhinoplasty are not good candidates for the procedure.
Post-Rhinoplasty Concerns
Once the swelling has completely reduced, which can take up to a year, there is no “maintenance” required. However, there are several potential concerns and things you should be aware of.
You should keep in mind that your nose, like any other part of your face, will continue to recede and age. It’s not realistic to expect to have the nose of a 20-year-old the rest of your life.
It takes about six weeks for the nose itself to heal. During this time, it is crucial that you avoid contact sports or any direct impact. You may be able to participate in non-contact sports after about three weeks, depending on your specific situation and the progress of your healing.
Here Are Some Tips To Get You Through Your Post-Surgical Slump:
- Do Your Homework Beforehand
You’re more likely to be happy during your recovery if you prepare for it well. So make sure to get all your ducks in a row before your rhinoplasty surgery. You should acquire anything that may facilitate your recovery, including medications, books, movies, and other things. Ask your surgeon for a list of things you can do to prepare for your recovery. - Be Prepared To Be Patient
As previously mentioned, swelling and bruising are normal aftereffects of undergoing facial cosmetic surgery. In fact, it would be strange if you didn’t show any signs of having had surgery. So don’t stress about it. Be patient and let the process play out. As the days go by in Tijuana, you’ll look better and better. - Keep Calm
Staying calm relieves stress, which in turn aids in the recovery process. If necessary, do some meditation or visualization exercises to keep yourself calm. - Don’t Just Sit Around
Lying around can get depressing. It may be inevitable for a couple of days, but there’s no reason to let it get out of hand. While you won’t be able to exercise for about a week, there’s no reason you can’t walk around the house and go visit some of your favorite places. You can also engage in indoor activities like cooking and chatting with friends. - Spend Some Time Outside
Go outside and get some fresh air! As it turns out, our parents’ advice holds true for us as adults, regardless of whether we’ve just had rhinoplasty surgery. Even if it’s just to listen to the birds and watch the breeze blowing through the trees, getting out of the house will make you feel a little better. If you’re embarrassed about your cast, sit in the backyard or cover your face with a scarf (but be careful not to bump your nose). - Invite Friends Over
Your friends all want to know what they can do to help, so tell them to come on over and keep you company! You don’t have to cook an elaborate meal; just order a pizza or make some tea, and throw on a movie or have a chat. - Keep a Journal
Keeping a journal to document your experience is a great way to keep yourself busy and distracted from any discomfort. Some people even start a blog to share their experiences with other people who may be considering having rhinoplasty. Sharing and conversing with others about your experience can help you feel less alone. - Catch Up on Your “To Do” List
Have some phone calls to make? Need to do some research on appliances or window treatments? Now’s the time to do it. You may not be able to engage in strenuous activity, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get anything done. If you think about it, it’s actually a win-win: You can use your downtime as an opportunity to catch up on tasks that may have been stressing you out!