
Services > Liposuction

Top Liposuction in tijuana, bc

Considering liposuction in Tijuana? With over 20+ years of combined experience serving the west coast and surrounding states, Beauty Brokers Group For Plastic Surgery offer several different approaches to liposuction depending on your desired results and body type.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction device to remove fat cells from selected areas of your body. Liposuction is “targeted” so that particular areas of fat or fat deposits can be removed and your body is contoured to retain a sleeker but natural appearance. Liposuction in Tijuana is performed by one of our board certified plastic surgeons.

Women's body with trace lines where liposuction is performed in tijuana

What is Liposuction anyway?

Many people from different ages and gender seek liposuction because they retain fat thats hard to get rid of in certain areas that are unresponsive to exercise. This is also often related to genetics and/or the aging process.

There are various types of liposuction in Tijuana, Baja California, available, but they all work on the same principle of fat removal by suction. First, a solution of “tumescent” (a combination of normal saline, epinephrine to minimize blood loss, and lidocaine to numb the area) is pumped into the area. The fat is then removed by high-powered suction.

After the removal of the fat cells, you will wear compression garments to maximize the retraction of the skin around the newly contoured area.


There are many benefits to having liposuction in tijuana, which include:

Providing an alternative to more invasive plastic surgery procedures by eliminating fat from specific areas like the abdomen, thighs, or chin, or enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia) without large incisions (scars).
Balances an out-of-proportion body type, for example, reducing the saddlebags on the thighs of a “pear-shaped” body or reducing abdominal girth in men.
Enhances facial surgery procedures such as facelift by removing pockets of fat from under the chin.
Can amplify diet and exercise by contouring the stubborn areas that do not respond to these efforts.

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